2023-2024 PBIS Newsletter
2023-2024 PBIS Newsletter![]()
2023-2024 PBIS Newsletter

Welcome to our PBIS Newsletter for the 2023-24 school year! In this newsletter, we recap this year's PBIS program and outline action items for the next school year.
North Salinas is focused on student safety and a positive school culture. Every interaction with students, parents, families, teachers and staff is an opportunity for us to build our Viking community.
Please review the newsletter and provide feedback by way of our Text-a-Tip system at 831-200-3384. We welcome your thoughts and ideas.
2023-2024 NSHS PBIS Newsletter (PDF)
What is PBIS?
What is PBIS?![]()
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a school-wide framework rooted in the behavioral analytic perspective in which it is assumed that behavior is learned, is related to immediate and social environmental factors, and can be changed. PBIS was implemented district-wide in 2014 as an approach to supporting students to be successful in schools. With clear expectations in place, students will learn appropriate behaviors in the same way they learn to read—through instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement.
Key features of PBIS include:
- Administrative leadership
- Team-based implementation
- A clear set of defined positive expectations and behaviors
- Teaching of expected behaviors
- Recognition of meeting expected behaviors
- Monitoring and correcting errors in behaviors
- Using data-based information for decision-making, monitoring, and evaluating building results.
The Importance of Viking 101
The Importance of Viking 101![]()
The Importance of Viking 101
School-wide PBIS is a researched-based framework that has been proven to improve school climate, reduce problem behaviors, and increase academic instructional time in schools. Previously, school-wide discipline has focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehavior by implementing punishment-based strategies including reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behavior is an important aspect of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectations and recognizing students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.
2020/2021 California PBIS State Recognition
2020/2021 California PBIS State Recognition![]()
2020/2021 California PBIS State Recognition