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North Salinas has many different clubs for you to join!
Why do I want to join a club at NSHS?
Clubs are an important part of North Salinas High School as they motivate students to get more involved on campus, find friends with similar interests, and do some great things on and off campus.
What kind of clubs do we have?
  • Service Clubs: This group of clubs helps in the community of Salinas and within the North Salinas High School community.  They welcome people to our school and act as ambassadors for North High.
  • Culture Clubs: North Salinas High School celebrates the diversity of its students.  Some of our clubs promote a better under­standing of our various cultures. 
  • Interest Clubs:  North Salinas teachers and students share many interests. They get together during lunch and plan activities that promote those interests. There is no limit to the number of these clubs. If you have an interest and don't see it listed below, you can find a teacher to help start a new club.    
  • Sports Clubs: These clubs promote interest in a particular sport and help raise money for trips, equipment and activities.
How do I start a new club at North Salinas?
  • Find a teacher that will be your club advisor 
  • Find students who have similar interests as you
  • Contact Ms. Cornelsen to help you make your club official
How do I sign up for my favorite clubs?
  • View the club list below
  • Reach out to the club advisor via email to find out when the club meets
  • Join the club Google Classroom, if they have one
  • Keep an eye out for the Student Bulletin, where club meeting times and locations are usually posted
2024-25 nshs club list

2024-25 nshs club list