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parent/guardian Involvement
parent/guardian Involvement![]()
parent/guardian Involvement
Parents are an integral part of our community. Parents help our school by supporting athletic, academic, and social events. Our School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) include parents members who provice input regarding the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Parents participate as members of the School Safety Committee, helping identify opportunities for parents to participate on campus. Viking parents are also celebrated for their contributions at sport events, club events and activities such as homecoming.
We have a full time community liaison. They dedicate their time to coordinating a variety of programs that aim to increase parent involvement including regular parent meetings, and Strengthening the Family, a nationally recognized program for parents and youth.
Parent information nights range in topics from graduation requirements, post-secondary planning, financial aid, and more. NSHS hosts an alumni day, when former Vikings share their personal journey to a variety of careers. Parents also engage in supporting North Salinas High School seniors by volunteering for Mock Interview panels.
We also have parents that represent student interests beyond the classroom. NSHS parent booster clubs include Band Boosters, FFA Boosters, Athletic Booster Club, and the Japanese Club, to list a few.
We welcome parent support and engagement in the Viking Community!