Dress Code

NSHS Viking Dress Code Policy (English and Spanish PDF)
The Governing Board requires that student’s clothing shall not be unsafe either for the student or those around the student (e.g., long, loose sleeves or long hair while the student is operating power machinery or working with open fire), nor be disruptive of school operations and education process in general, not to be contrary to law. (Board Policy 5132)
No hats or beanies are allowed on campus, except NSHS Viking gear.
No hats, beanies, or hoodies to be worn indoors.
Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments.
No see-through tops, bare abdomens (stomachs), or undergarments showing.
Clothing and beanies determined to be gang-related or inappropriate are prohibited. (Ed. Code 35183.5)
No professional sports gear/beanies/jerseys (MLB, NFL, NBA, etc).
No clothing that is vulgar, obscene, sexually suggestive or refers to violence or drugs (Cookies, Coors, Corona, marijuana, Playboy, etc).